man in black and white for male prp
intimate man and woman for sexual wellness

Male PRP Shot

Male PRP Shot

The Male PRP Shot is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the penis. This innovative treatment uses growth factors from PRP to stimulate new tissue growth, improve blood flow, and enhance sensitivity.

man smiling for male prp

Frequently Asked Questions

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is derived from a small blood sample taken from the patient. Through a process called centrifugation, the blood is separated into its components, and the plasma with a higher concentration of platelets is extracted and injected into areas of need.

When injected into penile or vaginal tissues, platelet-rich plasma can provide a number of compelling benefits. The regenerative elements contained in PRP help to stimulate cell growth and improve circulation for enhanced feeling and function.

For men, PRP therapy is administered in the form 4-5 simple injections which can help to improve many symptoms of sexual dysfunction, including:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Weak erections
  • Peyronie’s disease/penile curvature
  • Inability to achieve orgasm
  • Unsatisfactory penile length and/or girth

While it may seem frightening to receive an injection in your most sensitive areas, our experienced nurse practitioner takes great care to minimize any discomfort you may experience with the penile injections, and most patients tolerate the treatment exceptionally well.

To begin, a small tube of blood will be drawn from your arm. The blood will then be spun in our on-site FDA approved centrifuge which isolates the platelet-rich plasma, that will be prepared as a serum and placed into a syringe.

During this time, a topical anesthetic cream will be applied to the treatment area. Once your tissues are adequately numbed, we will inject the PRP into the appropriate areas, which only takes a few minutes.

After treatment, patients can resume their daily activities without restriction, and most men do not experience any pain following the procedure. In fact, the risk of adverse reactions or side effects after PRP injections is extremely low, as the treatment involves only the patient’s own blood rather than synthetic agents or prescription medications.

PRP injections for sexual dysfunction can provide an enhanced sexual experience and symptom improvement for both men and women that can last for up to a year or longer. Should patients notice a return of unwanted symptoms earlier than expected, repeat PRP injections can be administered to help restore their original results.

It is recommended to our patients that they start with a series of 2-3 treatments depending on the severity of symptoms. Although not always needed, we recommend booster shots every 12-18 months, to help with long lasting effects.

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