woman hair restoration black and white
woman touching hair for hair restoration

Hair Restoration
with PRP

Hair Restoration

  • $700 per Treatment

  • $2,000 for a Series of 3 Treatments

injection on scalp for hair restoration

Hair Restoration with PRP

Are you seeking a non-surgical solution for hair restoration? At GamWellness, we specialize in Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy – a revolutionary treatment using your body’s natural healing abilities to stimulate hair growth and enhance hair density. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is derived from a small blood sample taken from the patient. Through a process called centrifugation, the blood is separated into its components, and the plasma with a higher concentration of platelets is extracted and injected into areas of need.

  1. To carry out the therapy, your own blood is drawn, likely from your arm.
  2. That blood is then placed into a centrifuge to spin down into three layers: plasma rich in platelets, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. The PRP will be used, and the rest will be tossed.
  3. That PRP or “blood injection” is then injected into your scalp with a syringe after a local anesthetic has been applied.
  • Both men and women. Male balding and hair thinning is talked about extensively, but women do not often get the same benefit of widespread information. 
  • Those suffering from androgenic alopecia or other forms of alopecia. This is also known as male/female pattern baldness. It is a hereditary condition that affects around 80 million people in the United States alone.
  • Those suffering from hair loss due to high stress levels. Since this condition is not chronic, it can be treated rather easily.
  • Those who have recently experienced hair loss. The more recent the hair loss occurred, the better your chances are of fixing it before it is too late for PRP injections.
  • Those with thinning or balding hair, but not completely bald people. PRP injections are meant to thicken, strengthen, and grow hair from follicles that are still functioning.
  • Shampoo and condition your hair before the procedure. This way, it is clean and free from grease and dirt particles. It provides a sterile environment on your scalp before the injections.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast and drink at least 16 ounces of water. This way, you will not likely experience dizziness, fainting, or nausea. Remember, blood will be drawn. 
  • Resume your normal activities. PRP injections should not incapacitate or inconvenience you in any way. 
  • Wash your hair on your normal schedule unless the site of the injections is especially irritated or painful.
  • Don’t use any hair products like hairspray or gel for at least three days prior to your PRP injections. This can negatively affect you later in terms of side effects.
  • Don’t smoke or drink heavily beforehand, if at all. 

Don’t color your hair or get a perm for at least 72 hours after the PRP injections. The harsh chemicals will irritate the site of the injections and possibly cause complications. It also exacerbates scalp pain.

PRP hair restoration typically involves minimal downtime, allowing individuals to resume their regular activities shortly after the procedure.

You need to know that you may be at risk for some negative side effects following PRP injections. 

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Scalp pain
  • Irritation during the healing process
  • Scar tissue at the injection site
  • Injury to blood vessels
  • Injury to nerves

While case studies have proven patient satisfaction with PRP injections in the past, it is not quite as beneficial to all people.

For example, people with chronic diseases and thyroid imbalances may not see results over time. This is because cosmetic surgery will not fix the underlying issues. The hair will continue to fall out no matter what. In these cases, other treatments may be more effective, some not even being dermatological. In cases of thyroid disease, oral medications may resolve the issue instead.

This will vary from company to company, but many insurance policies do not cover cosmetic treatments such as hair restoration with PRP. Regardless of the underlying cause, PRP injections are not typically considered medically necessary. Therefore, you may be paying out of pocket for these treatments.


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