Frequently Asked Questions

IV Infusions

The first visit will include the initial assessment and brief paperwork. This usually takes under 1 hour. Subsequent visits are typically under 40 minutes. Vitamin shots only take about 15 minutes.

You should avoid IV infusion if: you are pregnant, breastfeeding, under 18 years of age, in generally poor health, undergoing chemotherapy, have a history of heart disease, uncontrolled hypertension or have had an organ transplant.

Our staff of highly trained nurses with many years of experience will perform the IV infusions.

While bruising at the site of the IV is uncommon, it can happen in those who are prone to bruising easily. We take every precaution possible to minimize any bruising. We also instruct our patients to not bend their arm immediately after an IV infusion.

For maximum benefits, we recommend an initial “loading” phase of 4 once-a-week IV infusions. This phase is followed by “maintenance” IV infusions once or twice a month.

Generally, no special preparation is needed. However, it is important to stay hydrated and NOT to consume any alcoholic beverages within 4 hours of infusion.

There are no limitations after an IV infusion. However, to obtain the maximum benefit, we highly recommend avoiding alcohol for the remainder of the day.

After the infusion our patients have reported feelings of calm, sustained energy, improved mental focus, and overall well being. During the first few minutes you might actually taste vitamins.

Most of our patients report significant positive mental and physical changes after the very first session. These changes continue throughout the entire 4-week loading phase.

Our products are made in the United States and represent the purest forms of vitamins. We pride ourselves on offering only the highest quality products available.

Yes we do, our office is located at 1502 N Donnelley St, Suite 107, Mount Dora FL , 32757

No there is no extra fee for our mobile services within a 15 miles radius. Outside of that range a travel fee will apply based on point of service.

Sexual Wellness PRP

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is derived from a small blood sample taken from the patient. Through a process called centrifugation, the blood is separated into its components, and the plasma with a higher concentration of platelets is extracted and injected into areas of need.

When injected into penile or vaginal tissues, platelet-rich plasma can provide a number of compelling benefits. The regenerative elements contained in PRP help to stimulate cell growth and improve circulation for enhanced feeling and function.

For men, PRP therapy is administered in the form 4-5 simple injections which can help to improve many symptoms of sexual dysfunction, including:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Weak erections
  • Peyronie’s disease/penile curvature
  • Inability to achieve orgasm
  • Unsatisfactory penile length and/or girth

While it may seem frightening to receive an injection in your most sensitive areas, our experienced nurse practitioner takes great care to minimize any discomfort you may experience with the penile injections, and most patients tolerate the treatment exceptionally well.

To begin, a small tube of blood will be drawn from your arm. The blood will then be spun in our on-site FDA approved centrifuge which isolates the platelet-rich plasma, that will be prepared as a serum and placed into a syringe.

During this time, a topical anesthetic cream will be applied to the treatment area. Once your tissues are adequately numbed, we will inject the PRP into the appropriate areas, which only takes a few minutes.

After treatment, patients can resume their daily activities without restriction, and most men do not experience any pain following the procedure. In fact, the risk of adverse reactions or side effects after PRP injections is extremely low, as the treatment involves only the patient’s own blood rather than synthetic agents or prescription medications.

PRP injections for sexual dysfunction can provide an enhanced sexual experience and symptom improvement for both men and women that can last for up to a year or longer. Should patients notice a return of unwanted symptoms earlier than expected, repeat PRP injections can be administered to help restore their original results.

It is recommended to our patients that they start with a series of 2-3 treatments depending on the severity of symptoms. Although not always needed, we recommend booster shots every 12-18 months, to help with long lasting effects.

The Female PRP Shot is a minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenating treatment for women who are experiencing low libido, difficulty achieving orgasm, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse or urinary incontinence.

This procedure uses growth factors from a woman’s own blood plasma to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation and can help improve conditions such as: 

  • Vaginal atrophy (symptoms of menopause)
  • Decreased libido
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Reduced ability to orgasm
  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Urge urinary incontinence
  • Lichen sclerosis and lichen planus
  • Dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse)
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Chronic pain from an episiotomy, mesh or surgical scarring

The Female PRP Shot is a dose of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injected directly into a woman’s clitoris and vagina. This growth-factor-rich PRP is safely derived from a woman’s own blood during the procedure in the provider’s office. PRP is widely used to speed healing and new tissue growth, and these same properties stimulate healthy tissue regeneration and improved blood flow in the clitoris and vaginal. These rejuvenated tissues offer women the opportunity to experience a heightened orgasmic response and can also mean an improvement in urinary incontinence symptoms.

  • Relief from painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Increased clitoral sensitivity and arousal
  • Improved skin texture of the vulva (vaginal lips)
  • Tightened vaginal opening
  • Increased arousal from G-spot stimulation
  • More intense and more frequent orgasms
  • Increased ability for vaginal orgasms
  • Increased vaginal lubrication
  • Increase sexual desire and heightened libido
  • Improved urinary control 

Most women have minor blood spotting following treatment as would happen with any injection. However, there is no downtime after treatment. Women may resume normal activities, including sex, that same day. Women may notice a full feeling in the vagina for one to three days, which is safe and normal. Vaginal swelling may cause an irregular urine stream, which is not dangerous and should resolve itself after a few days.

The PRP growth factors begin to work immediately by plumping the treated areas and by activating the stem cells in the vaginal and clitoral tissues for new growth and regeneration. Many patients experience noticeable improvements within the first three weeks following treatment, but the full regrowth of tissue is not complete until approximately three months after the injection. On average, these injections last about 12-18 months. 

It may take up to 12 weeks for the full effects to be experienced and recognized. Women who want an added boost or who want to repeat treatments when the results begin to fade will find that the impact is cumulative, building improvements with each treatment. Because the PRP is created with the woman’s own blood, repeat treatments are safe. 

Hair Restoration PRP

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is derived from a small blood sample taken from the patient. Through a process called centrifugation, the blood is separated into its components, and the plasma with a higher concentration of platelets is extracted and injected into areas of need.

  1. To carry out the therapy, your own blood is drawn, likely from your arm.
  2. That blood is then placed into a centrifuge to spin down into three layers: plasma rich in platelets, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. The PRP will be used, and the rest will be tossed.
  3. That PRP or “blood injection” is then injected into your scalp with a syringe after a local anesthetic has been applied.

PRP injections can benefit a wider range of people than you may have initially thought. These plasma injections are platelet rich and can potentially help the following groups:

  • Both men and women. Male balding and hair thinning is talked about extensively, but women do not often get the same benefit of widespread information. The fact is that women can lose hair, too, due to several different factors.
  • Those suffering from androgenic alopecia or other forms of alopecia. This is also known as male/female pattern baldness. It is a hereditary condition that affects around 80 million people in the United States alone.
  • A sizeable age range of people. Many successful clinical trials have been tested with people ranging from 18 to 72 years of age.
  • Those suffering from hair loss due to high stress levels. Since this condition is not chronic, it can be treated rather easily.
  • Those who have recently experienced hair loss. The more recent the hair loss occurred, the better your chances are of fixing it before it is too late for PRP injections.
  • Those with thinning or balding hair, but not completely bald people. PRP injections are meant to thicken, strengthen, and grow hair from follicles that are still functioning, however weakly this may seem.
  • Shampoo and condition your hair before the procedure. This way, it is clean and free from grease and dirt particles. It provides a sterile environment on your scalp before the injections.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast and drink at least 16 ounces of water. This way, you will not likely experience dizziness, fainting, or nausea. Remember, blood will be drawn. If having that done on an empty stomach makes you queasy, you probably should remedy that before going.
  • Resume your normal activities. PRP injections should not incapacitate or inconvenience you in any way. Unlike other procedures, you shouldn’t experience drowsiness or fatigue.
  • Wash your hair on your normal schedule unless the site of the injections is especially irritated or painful.
  • Don’t use any hair products like hairspray or gel for at least three days prior to your PRP injections. This can negatively affect you later in terms of side effects.
  • Don’t smoke or drink heavily beforehand, if at all. This could disqualify you from the procedure, as your platelet count will be lowered significantly.

Don’t color your hair or get a perm for at least 72 hours after the PRP injections. The harsh chemicals will irritate the site of the injections and possibly cause complications. It also exacerbates scalp pain.

Every procedure has a recovery period. While yours will not prevent you from doing most normal activities, the side effects and pain in the scalp will abate usually after three to four weeks. It should be completely gone after three to six months.

You need to know that you may be at risk for some negative side effects following PRP injections. While most of these are not serious, you should consult your dermatologist if they persist or worsen.

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Scalp pain
  • Irritation during the healing process
  • Scar tissue at the injection site
  • Injury to blood vessels
  • Injury to nerves

While case studies have proven patient satisfaction with PRP injections in the past, it is not quite as beneficial to all people.

For example, people with chronic diseases and thyroid imbalances may not see results over time. This is because cosmetic surgery will not fix the underlying issues. The hair will continue to fall out no matter what. In these cases, other treatments may be more effective, some not even being dermatological. In cases of thyroid disease, oral medications may resolve the issue instead.

This will vary from company to company, but many insurance policies do not cover cosmetic surgery. Regardless of the underlying cause, PRP injections are not typically considered medically necessary. Therefore, you may be paying out of pocket for these treatments.

Depending on where you go, injections can reach several thousand dollars per every 3-4 injections. The maintenance costs will be about the same and they should be done every four to six months.

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